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JAVA : Classes and Methods

Classes might contain only code or data but may also contain both. A class is declared by keyword class and it can be complex in nature.
Diagram of Classes and Methods
Class classname
          Type instance-variable a;
          Type instance-variable b;
          Type instance-variable n;
Type method a (parameter-list)
          //body of method
Type methodname a (parameter-list)
          //body of method
Classes are also called the box which defines variable- width, height and depth.
Class box
          Double width;
          Double height;
          Double depth;
Class that implements stack of data and integer.
Class stack
          Int stk [] = new int [10];
          Stack ()
Void push (int item) {
          If (tos==9)
          System.out.println (‘it’s full”);
          Stk [++tos] = item;
Int pop ()
          if (tos<0)
                   System.out.println (“stack underflow”);
                   Return 0;
                   Return stk[tos—];

C Programming Online Test 1

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to C Programming Framework. You will have to read all the given answ...