JAVA Course for Beginners
- Introduction to Java
- Features of java
- Data Types
- Variables
- Arrays
- Operators
- Control statements
- Classes and methods
- Inheritance
- Packages and Interface
- Exception Handling
- Event Handling
- The Applet Class
- More eBooks and Apps
Important Question And Answer
- What is Java technology and why do I need it?
- Explain various features of JAVA. How JAVA differs from C++?
- What is dynamic method dispatch ?
- What is Constructor ? What are its type ?
- What is Package ? How to define your own defined package ? Justify why CLASSPATH Environment variable needs to be set before you use it?
- Differentiate between constructor and destructor.
- Differentiate between method overloading and method overriding.
- What is method over riding. How it differs from method overloading. Write a Java program to discuss the above.
- What is the difference between break and continue? Write a Java program to discuss the difference between them.
- what is Thread ? Explain the life cycle of Thread. hat do you mean by daemon thread ?
- Why JAVA doesn't support multiple inheritance ? How JAVA supports alternate approach to support the concept of multiple inheritance ?
- What is JVM? Justify the statement "Java is Plattform independent".
- What do you mean by interface in JAVA ? What are it's properties ?
- Write short note on Garbage collection.
- Write a short note on Multilevel hierarchy.
Some JAVA Programs
- Write a JAVA program to print "Hello World".
- Write a JAVA program to find sum of all integer greater than 100 and less than 200, that are divisible by 5.
- Write a JAVA program to show how method overriding helps in dynamic method dispatch.
- Write a JAVA program to Serach and Delete a specific element from an integer array.
- Write a JAVA program to illustrate how super keyword is used to call the parent class constructor within the child class.
- Write a JAVA program illustrating parameterized constructor.
- Write a Java program to discuss the difference between Break and Continue.
- Write a JAVA program to create and access a user defined packages.
- Write a JAVA program to calculate the length of a string.
- Write a JAVA program to findout the number of Vowels present in the input string.
- JAVA Program that implements the Concept of Encapsulation.